The young heroine Mirabelle who has unique, magical powers, Cabanossi- a mischievous gnome, fairy folk, Zanya the talking tree, angelic beings, Sly the evil antagonist, a great romance and a mystical, crystal world. They all come together in this uplifting, richly orchestrated, musical-perfect for our time.
The play opens with Cabanossi inviting the audience to consider whether the unfolding story is a myth or true. The fairy folk enter excitedly looking forward to their dawn escapades with young Mirabelle. After scattering potash around Zanya, Mirabelle forgetfully wipes her dirty hands on her nighty, much to the delight of Cabanossi and the fairy folk. Ma Annie, Mirabelle’s frustrated, anxious mother, who has no understanding of her daughter’s gifts, enters and castigates her yet again. (…a common occurrence).
Feeling unaccepted by her mother and reliving the quarrel between her parents over what they percieve as her strange behaviour, (which results in her father leaving home), Mirabelle seeks comfort from three angels who are her loving guides. She tells them of seeing flashing images of an exciting world that she dreams of. Even at this young age, Mirabelle has a sense of a destiny, as yet unnamed.
Later that day, at school, protecting her socially challenged friend Thomas from Sly’s bullying, Mirabelle is joined by Cabanossi as they cast a spell on Sly causing him great embarrassment. Sly, already intensely jealous of Mirabelle, swears revenge.
Moving forward in time, (Mirabelle is 15), we find her sitting with Thomas in the schoolyard encouraging him to enjoy his unique qualities. Sly, who’s vengeful feelings towards Mirabelle have intensified, and who has been working at increasing his own dark, magical powers, enters with his class mates. His attempt to cast a spell on Mirabelle is moderately successful, causing her to become very confused. Mirabelle’s more powerful counter spell causes Sly to foolishly spin and fall. This only strengthens his resolve to undermine her in every way possible.
It is the night of Mirabelle’s 16th birthday party, on which, in conversation with her angels, she is informed she is still not ready to know her destiny. With her party in full swing, and under the influence of a more powerful spell from Sly, Mirabelle dares her friends to watch her fly. Climbing Zanya, her tree, she falls and is rendered unconscious.
Two years later, while recovering from her injuries, Mirabelle admits to Ma Annie that she is having great difficulty remembering who and how she was before the fall. Her mother lovingly reminds Mirabelle of her special gifts, enabling her to begin to recall her past. There is a joyful reunion with Cabanossi and the fairy folk.
The angels now inform Mirabelle that she is ready to know her destiny. That night, the great luminous being Adama, Leader of Telos, invites Mirabelle to join him in his crystal city. Her mission, to act as a bridge, an ambassador between this realm and Earth.
The next morning, her dreamy dance is interrupted by a disturbing conversation with her two friends, Nada and Micaela and a separate, much more disturbing visit from her nemesis, Sly. She finds she has no choice but to render him powerless, and her spell, with the help of Cabanossi, turns Sly into a creature that skulks away.
Mirabelle then has to inform her mother of her imminent departure. Adama appears and they leave for Telos in a fabulous spaceship, entering the powerful portal into the Crystal City. There she is met by Romandahl who, as Thomas, was sent to earth to test her integrity, loyalty and courage. They acknowledge their true connection. A great ceremony ensues in a resplendent hall in which Mirabelle promises to fulfill her destiny.